Kenzina Fire and Ice Face Mask

Kenzina Fire and Ice Face Mask

Regular price $39.00
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Kenzina reusable Fire & Ice Face Mask has a unique hot and cold dual action property delivering quick and effective soothing relief, relaxation and beauty benefits. Simply freeze cold for beauty therapy or microwave for aches and pains!

 Sustainable |  Biodegradable Gel |  Recyclable Outer Skin  |  Latex-Free 

Cold Therapy Uses:

Puffy face ? swelling ? this reusable mask is the answer to sinus relief, inflammation, migraine headaches, aches and sports injuries. Perfect after cosmetic procedures and can be used after facial surgery procedures. This amazing mask has so many uses.

 Warm Therapy Uses:

Sinus relief, headaches, aches, minor sleep conditions, anxiety, restlessness.

 While using the Kenzina Reusable Fire & Ice Face Mask the intense cold reduces the blood flow in the capillaries and lessens the quantity of blood under the skin.

Once the cold source is removed, blood and oxygen rush to the surface of the skin and improves circulation.

The face has increased flow of warm blood into the area and the skin gains an instant glow and looks fresh and less tired, more vibrant, plump and glowing, contracts the pores and reduces general puffiness.

Use cold

Place in the fridge for approx 60 minutes or in the freezer for approx 30 minutes. Rinse after each use.

 Use warm

Place the mask on the microwave tray. Microwave in 10-second intervals until the desired temperature is obtained. Be careful not to overheat. Place the mask over your face and adjust for best comfort

Avoid direct contact of contents with eyes. Discontinue use if signs of irritation appear. If you have any skin conditions discuss the idea with your healthcare provider first.




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